Thursday, December 9, 2010

Perfect Strangers...or are They?

     Jay and Nick, Nick and Jay...the two men in The Great Gatsby seemingly destined to become friends...or are they? These two "friends", or so it seems, have much in common with each other. Both can, at times, act in a rye, sarcastic way, and the reader comes to appreciate their humor. They are able to exist without much distracting banter, which says that they are relatively misunderstood people. Both of them seem to generally do more listening than active participation in conversation, otherwise known as talking.
     They seem to be very good friends from the moment they meet, which was under rather odd circumstances. They meet at one of Jay Gatsby's parties, and Nick doesn't even know who he is, though he is his host. However, they engage in bonding experiences shortly after, such as flying Gatsby's sea plane as well as going out to lunch. From then on, Gatsby sends Nick personal invitations to his parties. However, is it really friendship? Or Gatsby just using Nick?
     It is revealed that Jay was in love with an early character in the book, Daisy, cousin to Nick. It is then left up to the reader to determine whether or not Gatsby is using Nick solely in order to get to know Daisy. If one were to ask me, I believe Gatsby has a genuine interest in Nick, though he is more interested in Daisy. Because of this, Jay is willing to sacrifice his friendship with Nick in order to establish a romantic relationship with his cousin, and possibly rekindle their friendship at a later date. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I believe Jay Gatsby has little regard for meaningful relationships with other human beings in the form of friendship.
     How about you? What do you think of Jay Gatsby's and Nick's relationship?

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