Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our King Governs Ideals

     Is Martin Luther King Jr. Still the "King" he was back in the 1900's? I believe he is more of a king nowadays, seeing as we remember him as a seemingly fearless rights activist today, when he was shunned back then for saying and doings his actions. These actions were remembered after the time of segregation, though our generation today does not consider King's actions as much. Instead, most of us just recognize that we get a day off of school for his birthday. However, he was much more than a name, a face, and a list of facts.
     Martin Luther King's ideas are still very prominent, though there does not exist much physical need for them anymore. Instead, people are now segregated in the mind--which causes some to think certain things about other peers, cultures, etc. In class, his ideas are useful for learning about history, and that the Civil Rights Movement happened, though we are now moving into an age in which one needs the rights to believe something, as opposed to existing in sync with others, which Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideals certainly cover.
     Is King still King? Yes, but only in some ways. He governs not a state of being, but instead a way of thinking. We as the a generation can use King's ideals and apply them to our own troubles as a society in order to surpass them.
A Presto,

1 comment:

  1. I love the point you brought up about him being even more of a king nowadays - I never really thought about it before. But it's really awesome to think that he might not have known what he was bringing about, how huge of an impact it would have. Of course, he had to hope it would have some impact, and that was obviously his goal, but it's too bad he didn't live to see his dream come true.
