Monday, February 21, 2011

Liberty is one of my Rights

     Propaganda. It is a word representing a thing that is in our midst as citizens of the world each and every day, all the time, in almost every waking hour of our lives. This is what it used to be. Though nothing has changed, it, propaganda, has been taken to the next level. It is now a political strategy, a means of gaining attention from the common people, as well as a general nuisance in most of our lives.
     Propaganda, in my own words, is a voice of forgotten reason, a shadow of the past, a blur of the present, and a flicker of the future. It is a voice telling someone what could be, what should be, and what one must do. This obviously means it can not necessarily be taken very seriously. It equivocates exactly what it wants one to say or do or buy or subscribe to, etc. so as to plant an egg of an idea and spawn a new creation, growing steadily and increasingly larger every second. This is propaganda.
     Propaganda today seems to be used to gain the "home-field advantage", even if the person employing its powers is not necessarily on his or her home turf. It "trash-talks" the opponent, whomever this may be, and it gloats for the employer.
     Propaganda. In the past it was used mainly new product advertisements, rarely for politics, and the majority of the propaganda was used for recruiting for the army. This can be shown by the vast display of "Uncle Sam" posters placed all around the country, telling the common people that Uncle Sam wants YOU to join the army. These posters were seen in the form of wall-cut-outs, photographs, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, or even on billboards. Because of the high availability and commonality of these posters, the powers of propaganda get inside one's mind and plant ideas there, trying to make a person think a certain way.
     Propaganda. Many politicians today utilize propaganda as a way to win over the wills of the common people. It is also used by companies to promote their products on television, on the radio, on the internet, in newspapers, and in magazines.
     Propaganda. (Have you gotten annoyed yet? Yeah, that's the point.) I believe everyone should have free will and the right to choose a side. This should be an unbiased decision based solely on the person in question. The constitution guarantees us "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". One of these guarantees, liberty, can be obtained by recognizing an individual's free will, which propaganda does everything but promote. Though some good properties can be obtained by utilizing the powers of propaganda, such as awareness, it should most definitely be a rare occurrence.
A Presto,

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