Thursday, November 18, 2010

Be a Leader, be the Plow!

     What are some defining characteristics of a plow? Good question, I'm glad you asked! A plow is a hard-working, slightly old-fashioned piece of technology! It is a way of clearing a path for some larger force, creature, machine, person, or even a soccer ball! I even did my invention project in biology last year on snow plows, where I turned my bicycle into a snow plow. Could one ride it? Not really, especially since it couldn't turn right.....*whistles*. Anyways.....If we were taking this literally, a plow would be just that, a tool. However, in order to interpret how I am a "plow", we must delve deeper into the purposes and functions of a plow, or, alternatively, what a plow represents.
     My Italian IV teacher, Dr. Foy, calls me a firecracker. What does this mean, you ask? Well, she's never called me one to my face, just to my parents. Therefore, I have to infer what it means. I think it means I get people going. I motivate people to do better. Because I only, and I mean only speak in Italian in her class, I motivate both her and others to speak more Italian in class as well. Basically, it means I clear the way for others to follow in my footsteps. Get it? That's where the plow comes in!!!!! By "clearing the way", I become a leader in the class, which makes me more confident. It's a mutual benefit which helps others to aspire to be leaders and study harder as well, while I feel personal gain because I have helped others as well as having inspired them.
     In the future, I hope to plow my way through all the obstacles I may face, which is another defining characteristic of plows--they are able to overcome any obstacle. The plow is an ideal person, and obviously no one is perfect. To me, one can exhibit qualities of a "plow", but one cannot be a plow all of the time. Thus, when someone exhibits plow-like qualities, he or she is acting as a leader.
    In conclusion, I believe no one is a full-time plow, or else he or she would be perfect! Take me for example. I may be a plow in my Italian IV class, and at the same time,  I want to follow in the paths of Dr. Foy and Ms. Floreani, as they both teach an English literature class as well as Italian, and I would like to do just that. I would like to be a teacher of English literature as well as a high-level Italian teacher. How about you guys? What is one way in which you are a "plow", and one way in which you walk on a path cleared by another?
A Presto,


  1. well, okay. i think you took this too literally. you could still take that notion of you being energetic and motivating like a plow, but i think you should've made it more figurative, in order to establish more of a "story" to go along with your comparison.

  2. Wow, we had the same interpretation of the "I am a Plow" blog!
