Sunday, November 28, 2010

Language and Arts vs. Social Life: Thankful for a Classmate

     There exists such a thing as favoritism, which, among individuals, can create meaningful relationships as well as ill-mannered ones. Though favoritism is subjective, meaning the outcome changes based on whom one asks, it is a useful tool which can help one figure out the closest people to him or her. Because of these reasons, I don't particularly enjoy "playing favorites", as far as friends or classmates go, though if I had to choose, two people rise to to top of the list. These two individuals are named Gabrielle (Gabby) Burns and Shiloh Psujek.
     It's a little surprising that I'm writing this, as I've only known Gabby since the start of this year, and we haven't exchanged many words, though I have experienced enough to truly know I am thankful for her. Whenever we see each other in the halls, we say hello, and I try to encourage her as much as I can to be persistent with her INCREDIBLE Trombone playing-skills, as well as with her Spanish, as I am both a linguist and a musician. (Though, I wish she played jazz...we would jam so much!) She is a fantastic student, and always tries her best. She's always there for me when I need help, and I've even worked on a project with her. I also try to boost her confidence. Gabby, if you had more confidence in your excellent self, you'd be almost perfect.
     I've known Shiloh since Freshman Connection in the Summer of 2009. I didn't know her very well then, but we've become much closer since. She is one of the cleverest individuals I know, and always has to have the last word. She knows how to argue, and always has another sarcastic comment to make, after which I always laugh. That's probably the biggest reason I'm thankful for Shiloh--she knows how to make me laugh. It's something I can always count on when in her presence. Shiloh is probably THE BEST clarinetist in the world, which I knew the first time I listened to the gorgeous notes float gently out of her instument's bell.   She's one of the most beautiful people I know, both inside and out, and is one of my best friends. I can always talk to Shiloh about anything, no matter how difficult it might be to say. (I'm actually on the verge of "happy/remembrance tears as I'm writing this, because it's all very real and true). We talk about anything ranging from personal problems to jokes, school, relationships, and, Shiloh's favorite, RaNdOmNeSs!!!!! Shiloh, I'm thankful for you because you're one of my best friends, and I know I can always trust in you, and you can always trust in me as well! (OK, the tears have started to cascade down my cheeks...seriously......)
     In conclusion, my friends Gabby and Shiloh keep my life interesting and play at two different extremes of my life--language and arts vs. social skills. Both are very special to me, as are both of my friends. What would I do without them? I don't know. Although, I do know I have them as my very good friends, so why question it? Thank you so much, Gabby and Shiloh! I love you guys! (Now I need to go and wash my face...)
A Presto,

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