Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ah, Protagonist Classifications.....

     Is John Proctor a Hero or a Stooge? Good question.....To me, he has qualities that resemble both. Though, his negative qualities don't necessarily represent those of a stooge to me, but of someone who is conflicted and has significant flaws.
     John Proctor is a very conflicted person. He is a Christian man who holds little to no belief in witches. He is the protagonist of the play, though he has flaws such as a violent temper, which sometimes leads him to shout. It is also known that he has had an affair with the young adult, Abigail. However, I believe these faults make him more of a "heroic" character, because the reader is able to relate to him more.
     Think about it. If you read a book in which the protagonist was a "perfect human", (a phrase which should be a grammar error, as it is IMPOSSIBLE) would you be able to identify with this character? No way. This is because all humans are flawed, which makes us unique. If we lived in a perfect society, no one would be special or revered for his or her special talents, appearances, or intelligence because everyone would be have them. However, this doesn't exist. Doesn't that make you love life? To be here, in this world, living? It's great, isn't it? It makes me question................but I digress.
     Anyways, back to the ranch.....(Oppure Allora.....Questa e` che cosa ci diciamo in Italia quando dobbiamo parlare su un altro tema.....)
     John Proctor does not seem like a "stooge" to me because he doesn't seem like someone who would take orders very easily. Even with something simple such as religion, John Proctor is seen multiple times challenging the order of Reverend Parris. This shows his independence, a distinct heroic quality.
     Because of his many character traits, I believe John Proctor is a "heroic" character because he his sympathetic and caring, and though he has flaws, he continues to rise above them and become the protagonist he was made to be.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jonathan Edwards said WHAT?!?!?

    A couple of days ago we read an excerpt of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards that was TOTALLY insane!!!!! (and not in a good way!) It was basically a huge death-threat to anyone who DARES doubt the wrath of God! He writes about God having the power to control rushing rivers--being able to let the water fly on anyone at any time. According to Edwards, he also has a bow and arrow constantly pointed at every person's heart, ready to let the arrow fly at any minute if he so chooses. This he will do to anyone who opposes him, i.e. the sinners of the world. This leads the sermon to be entitled "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". This is why Edwards preaches for everyone to serve as an observing Puritan, so as not to anger God in any way and so that when life is over, one may have a merry, cheerful afterlife filled with strawberries, butterflies, and.........well, you get the idea. These people are being threatened and pressured into living life in the puritan way, or else, essentially, they will be smitten by God.
    As with almost all blog entries I've written thus far, I will express my personal opinion, as follows:

DOES THIS GUY REALLY THINK THIS #%^&*(^$%$##%$##$#&**()*(&&^%$#@#$ %^&*())(*&^% @#$%^&*(*&^%$%^&^%$%^&*@#$%^&*%^&^%^&*&^%^&*(*&^%$# WILL BRING HIS COMMUNITY TOGETHER PEACEFULLY?!?!?!?!?

   That's my opinion on his sermon. If I had to honestly say what I think of it, I would say that it makes absolutely no sense to me why these people would believe such a thing to be true.
    However, in order to make an unbiased decision, I would have to fully take into perspective the life of a villager in a Puritan society. I would imagine they only know this way of life, and thus have no idea what other lifestyle they might have had in Great Britain.
    However, if I were a British person, I would look onto these puritan societies as though they were extremely strange, which they still seem to be, from my perspective. It is no wonder that they essentially evicted them from Europe, banishing them to the 13 colonies where they could "annoy" the Natives.
   How about you? What would you do if you were a Puritan? If you were to pretend you had no preexisting bias, could you simply go along with the flow? What about if you were a British person or a Native American looking onto these strange societies? How would you feel then?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here's the Neighborhood! Oh look, there it goes.....

     Hey guys! This particular blog entry is going to be based on the idea of someone or something moving into a new area and establishing a change in that area. There are many examples of this occurring in history, but only a couple stand out to me. One of these is Christopher Columbus, a rather hackneyed example, who attempted at imposing Christianity on the Native Americans, unwillingly on their part. Then, there are other examples, some of which I am learning about in AP World History that take place during the Paleolithic era (for those of you who don't know what this means, it was the majority of the time Humans have been on earth, also known as the age of hunting/gathering). In this particular era, Humans migrated, populating the planet, which required them to expose themselves to new environments everywhere they went.
     One could argue that these societies represent out own modern cities and urban centers today. When the Humans in the Paleolithic era found a place to settle down and end their nomadic lifestyles, they had to adjust to their new environments and also force the new environments to adjust to them. For example, a tribe that settled down in the forests would say, "Oh, look! Here's some weird plant that I can use to cover myself AND eat! Oh, there's a weird pig-goat thing that looks tasty enough to eat! Mmmmmm! Yummy pig-goat-thingy!" This is obviously an exaggeration, but it shows how the tribes themselves would adjust to their new "neighborhoods". However, say the tribe's people like the weird plants and the yummy pig-goat animals too much, and they set controlled fire to a certain area of the forest to encourage the growing of the weird plant, and then they hunt the weird pig-goat animal to extinction. What are we left with? A completely changed environment or "neighborhood" with a thriving population of weird plants and no pig-goat thingies! This shows how, even though a newcomer may know nothing about an area or its customs, he or she can still change its lifestyle forever.
     When an extreme situation such as this takes place in our lifetime, what do the people that live in what I will refer to as "the neighborhood" try to do? In my opinion, if I were someone who had lived in a neighborhood for a while, I would try to keep our older traditions active and hope that newcomers would just slip smoothly into our rhythm and way of doing things as opposed to changing our way of life entirely. This is the best way, as it involves the least amount of discord. Though, if I was the newcomer, I don't think it would be easy for me to adjust, and I would first attempt at trying to impose my own ideas, though I would be against exactly this if I were a neighborhood native. However, not everyone has this mindset. Thus, as we live in an imperfect world, there is bound to be a case where the newcomer would try to impose his or her mindset on the neighborhood somewhere. What do you think? What would you do if you lived in the neighborhood? What about if you were the newcomer? Leave me a comment! I can't wait to hear your responses!
     Well, it's getting to be that hour again! I must go, but you'll hear from me soon!
A Presto,

Friday, September 10, 2010

School Life: P.E.

     Look at the title and enough has been said. As you have probably already figured out, P.E., or, more commonly know as Gym Class, has been getting to me. Why, might you ask? Well, the answer can be explained with a story, as follows:
     So, it's the end of Freshman year and finals are creeping around the corner. It's another Monday, the fateful day of May 24th, and there I am at school, when it comes to my attention that ninth period has been canceled for the day, and that there will be a city championship baseball game after school. I of course, want to support our team, to I take the CTA to the stadium. I exited the bus, crossed the service road I was walking on, and WHAM!, a car came blasting down the street at 30 miles per hour exactly perpendicular to where I was. I had no time to move, and I was hit, rolled over the windshield, was picked up by paramedics with a broken left femur bone. (For those of you who don't know where that is, it's the bone in your thigh). That's basically the gist of what happened back then, but of COURSE not all the details. The good news is that I've been getting better ever since, and I have been going to physical therapy quite often. My physical therapist told me today that I'm getting close to normalcy as far as range of motion in my knee is concerned! Anyways, this is why I'm having a problem with P.E.--I have been cleared for every sort of physical activity by my surgeon EXCEPT for contact sports, which are absolutely ADORED by gym coaches! (By the way, that was EXTREMELY hard for me to write down, as it's even a hard subject for me to talk about...)
     Now, back to the ranch, or, as Amir, from Jake and Amir of CollegeHumor would say, "Oh sheesh y'all...T'was a dream!" As I expressed in my introduction blog entry, I am an extremely energetic person, so I think I can do more than I actually can. I really wanted to play contact sports, and I feel proud of myself for resisting the urge to just run out there and get in the game. Aren't you proud of me?!? Right now, we're playing flag football in class...I know, right? It's the perfect sport for me to start out with, right? However, here goes, Coach Franken..............................(Ok, that's enough. Those of you who know or know of this highly esteemed gym coach know what I'm trying to get across here) gave me a choice to either participate in the drills or to write an essay every day. (I thought, hmm, Mr. Franken, I wonder which one I'll pick)? Of course I chose the drills, because, honestly, I don't have that much to write about the karaoke drill in flag football, which, by the way, hurt REALLY bad when I did it. So then, I started second-guessing my choice.
     Now, I'm faced with a decision. Should I continue with the drills which will re-strengthen my leg muscles (like my physical therapist says), and then go to physical therapy at least three times a week, or just stick to writing essays every day and go to physical therapy like I would be doing anyway at least three times a week. What do you guys think I should do? Leave me a comment. I'd love to hear your ideas! Anyway, I think I already know what I'm going to do, but I'll tell you next time. I want to hear what you guys think first. Well, I have to go now, but we'll talk again soon!

A Presto,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Day in the Life.....Year 2!

     Hey everyone! My name is Simon Black/Toby, and I have just started my Sophomore Year at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. I have to say, I am LOVING it so far! I know numerous amounts of people say (imagine me saying this with an irate expression) that they hate school and they can't wait to go home and play video games...hmph. On the contrary, I actually enjoy coming to school every morning, minus the fact that I have to wake up at 6:40 A.M. every day, which I know many people in my grade can sympathize with, right? *Crickets...* However, I digress.
     As you can obviously tell already, I am an extremely energetic person, with an effervescent personality. I have many interests, which would fill up this entire blog entry if I were to write them. Therefore, here are only a few.
     As you can probably already tell by my blog's title, I absolutely love the Italian language. To me, it is the prettiest sounding language ever created, which makes me want to continue speaking it that much more. This year will be my eleventh year that I have taken an Italian class in school. I also attend Concordia Languages Villages Italian immersion camp in Minnesota every year, called Lago del Bosco, to improve my speech skills. While there this past summer, I took an Italian 4 class for a month, in which I excelled. I could go on and on about my passion for Italian, but let's divert our attention to music! OOOHHH, look, a flying music note! (You know, as opposed to a, as if I couldn't focus on this topic...nevermind...)
     My other passion is music. I have played many instruments in the small amount of time I've been on this earth (for exactly 15 years, 17 days, 19 hours, and 31 minutes as I'm writing this, to be precise) I've played a total of eight instruments, and they are as follows, in chronological order: piano, guitar (both acoustic and electric), upright bass, electric bass, alto saxophone, voice, french horn, and alto horn. I am still playing both types of guitar, both basses, and both horns. I am in the Advanced Band at Whitney Young, and I also take classes for both my guitar and horn at Merit School of Music every Saturday from 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (I know, right? Goodbye Saturday!). I also take private lessons for both instruments during the week. It's a lot to accomplish plus various activities such as various sports, jazz band, daily homework, and maintaining a social life, but I make it work! However, trust me, it's tiring at the end of the day! Whew! (By the way, you know that tiring end-of-the-day? Well, that is the part of my day which I am at right now. *Yawn!*)
     Anyways, that's pretty much my story these days! I get up, I go to school, I go out with friends, I go home, I do homework, I go to bed. It seems like I'm already getting back into the rhythm of school life! Anyways, I had better go. Don't you worry, though! I'll be back before you know it! We're on the cruise ship named La Letteratura Americana's (American Literature's) maiden voyage! I hope this year brings much newfound knowledge into my grasp!

A Presto,