Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ah, Protagonist Classifications.....

     Is John Proctor a Hero or a Stooge? Good question.....To me, he has qualities that resemble both. Though, his negative qualities don't necessarily represent those of a stooge to me, but of someone who is conflicted and has significant flaws.
     John Proctor is a very conflicted person. He is a Christian man who holds little to no belief in witches. He is the protagonist of the play, though he has flaws such as a violent temper, which sometimes leads him to shout. It is also known that he has had an affair with the young adult, Abigail. However, I believe these faults make him more of a "heroic" character, because the reader is able to relate to him more.
     Think about it. If you read a book in which the protagonist was a "perfect human", (a phrase which should be a grammar error, as it is IMPOSSIBLE) would you be able to identify with this character? No way. This is because all humans are flawed, which makes us unique. If we lived in a perfect society, no one would be special or revered for his or her special talents, appearances, or intelligence because everyone would be have them. However, this doesn't exist. Doesn't that make you love life? To be here, in this world, living? It's great, isn't it? It makes me question................but I digress.
     Anyways, back to the ranch.....(Oppure Allora.....Questa e` che cosa ci diciamo in Italia quando dobbiamo parlare su un altro tema.....)
     John Proctor does not seem like a "stooge" to me because he doesn't seem like someone who would take orders very easily. Even with something simple such as religion, John Proctor is seen multiple times challenging the order of Reverend Parris. This shows his independence, a distinct heroic quality.
     Because of his many character traits, I believe John Proctor is a "heroic" character because he his sympathetic and caring, and though he has flaws, he continues to rise above them and become the protagonist he was made to be.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that "John Proctor is a very conflicted person" because he seems to be a bit of both. Hes hard headed and goes against the Puritans yet a hero by trying to save the people he cares for. Yet just as we read in the book "one can be with court or against it, there can be no road in between.".
