Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Day in the Life.....Year 2!

     Hey everyone! My name is Simon Black/Toby, and I have just started my Sophomore Year at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. I have to say, I am LOVING it so far! I know numerous amounts of people say (imagine me saying this with an irate expression) that they hate school and they can't wait to go home and play video games...hmph. On the contrary, I actually enjoy coming to school every morning, minus the fact that I have to wake up at 6:40 A.M. every day, which I know many people in my grade can sympathize with, right? *Crickets...* However, I digress.
     As you can obviously tell already, I am an extremely energetic person, with an effervescent personality. I have many interests, which would fill up this entire blog entry if I were to write them. Therefore, here are only a few.
     As you can probably already tell by my blog's title, I absolutely love the Italian language. To me, it is the prettiest sounding language ever created, which makes me want to continue speaking it that much more. This year will be my eleventh year that I have taken an Italian class in school. I also attend Concordia Languages Villages Italian immersion camp in Minnesota every year, called Lago del Bosco, to improve my speech skills. While there this past summer, I took an Italian 4 class for a month, in which I excelled. I could go on and on about my passion for Italian, but let's divert our attention to music! OOOHHH, look, a flying music note! (You know, as opposed to a, as if I couldn't focus on this topic...nevermind...)
     My other passion is music. I have played many instruments in the small amount of time I've been on this earth (for exactly 15 years, 17 days, 19 hours, and 31 minutes as I'm writing this, to be precise) I've played a total of eight instruments, and they are as follows, in chronological order: piano, guitar (both acoustic and electric), upright bass, electric bass, alto saxophone, voice, french horn, and alto horn. I am still playing both types of guitar, both basses, and both horns. I am in the Advanced Band at Whitney Young, and I also take classes for both my guitar and horn at Merit School of Music every Saturday from 11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (I know, right? Goodbye Saturday!). I also take private lessons for both instruments during the week. It's a lot to accomplish plus various activities such as various sports, jazz band, daily homework, and maintaining a social life, but I make it work! However, trust me, it's tiring at the end of the day! Whew! (By the way, you know that tiring end-of-the-day? Well, that is the part of my day which I am at right now. *Yawn!*)
     Anyways, that's pretty much my story these days! I get up, I go to school, I go out with friends, I go home, I do homework, I go to bed. It seems like I'm already getting back into the rhythm of school life! Anyways, I had better go. Don't you worry, though! I'll be back before you know it! We're on the cruise ship named La Letteratura Americana's (American Literature's) maiden voyage! I hope this year brings much newfound knowledge into my grasp!

A Presto,


  1. Hey Simon! You seem like a cool person. I love your enthusiasm and dedication to music and Italian. I play the trombone in 5th hour, but am not that good. lol. Keep up the good work.

  2. That's so great that you love Italian so much!! Have you ever been to Italy?
