Friday, September 10, 2010

School Life: P.E.

     Look at the title and enough has been said. As you have probably already figured out, P.E., or, more commonly know as Gym Class, has been getting to me. Why, might you ask? Well, the answer can be explained with a story, as follows:
     So, it's the end of Freshman year and finals are creeping around the corner. It's another Monday, the fateful day of May 24th, and there I am at school, when it comes to my attention that ninth period has been canceled for the day, and that there will be a city championship baseball game after school. I of course, want to support our team, to I take the CTA to the stadium. I exited the bus, crossed the service road I was walking on, and WHAM!, a car came blasting down the street at 30 miles per hour exactly perpendicular to where I was. I had no time to move, and I was hit, rolled over the windshield, was picked up by paramedics with a broken left femur bone. (For those of you who don't know where that is, it's the bone in your thigh). That's basically the gist of what happened back then, but of COURSE not all the details. The good news is that I've been getting better ever since, and I have been going to physical therapy quite often. My physical therapist told me today that I'm getting close to normalcy as far as range of motion in my knee is concerned! Anyways, this is why I'm having a problem with P.E.--I have been cleared for every sort of physical activity by my surgeon EXCEPT for contact sports, which are absolutely ADORED by gym coaches! (By the way, that was EXTREMELY hard for me to write down, as it's even a hard subject for me to talk about...)
     Now, back to the ranch, or, as Amir, from Jake and Amir of CollegeHumor would say, "Oh sheesh y'all...T'was a dream!" As I expressed in my introduction blog entry, I am an extremely energetic person, so I think I can do more than I actually can. I really wanted to play contact sports, and I feel proud of myself for resisting the urge to just run out there and get in the game. Aren't you proud of me?!? Right now, we're playing flag football in class...I know, right? It's the perfect sport for me to start out with, right? However, here goes, Coach Franken..............................(Ok, that's enough. Those of you who know or know of this highly esteemed gym coach know what I'm trying to get across here) gave me a choice to either participate in the drills or to write an essay every day. (I thought, hmm, Mr. Franken, I wonder which one I'll pick)? Of course I chose the drills, because, honestly, I don't have that much to write about the karaoke drill in flag football, which, by the way, hurt REALLY bad when I did it. So then, I started second-guessing my choice.
     Now, I'm faced with a decision. Should I continue with the drills which will re-strengthen my leg muscles (like my physical therapist says), and then go to physical therapy at least three times a week, or just stick to writing essays every day and go to physical therapy like I would be doing anyway at least three times a week. What do you guys think I should do? Leave me a comment. I'd love to hear your ideas! Anyway, I think I already know what I'm going to do, but I'll tell you next time. I want to hear what you guys think first. Well, I have to go now, but we'll talk again soon!

A Presto,

1 comment:

  1. Simon, I'm sorry you got hit by a car and hope you get better soon. I think you should just write the essays. It can be quite strenuous and if you overdo it, you can take steps back in your recovery. If possible, ask your physical therapist what should be done and explain what is done is gym. Some exercise is good, but overdoing it can cause potential issues. Just a thought. :)
